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EAPH Help and Information Center

General Help

Get to know your computer: Get to know your camera or scanner: Get to know eBay: Get to know a little about layout:
Tutorials and Examples

Usually the very best way to learn is to view tutorials and examples. See EAPH.com tools and FreeForm (at robshelp.com) being used "in action" with discussion of important techniques:

Screen by Screen and Flash Movie
tutorials Tutorials Here!

Teacher If you want to follow along consider using multiple web browser windows (see the instructions in General Help to the left) so you can switch back and forth between what you are working on and the tutorial/example pages.
Personal Assistance (Contact)

Please, do not hesitate to write!

So I can help more effectively do the best you can to describe the situation with a particular example if available. In FreeForm (at robshelp.com) or the Template Helper, for example, save what you are working on and let me know - I will access what you are working on and pitch in with "hands on" assistance.

If you are having problems preparing photos, upload one without doing any optimizing to it and tell me where to find it - I will work with it directly and share with you the techniques I used.

I'm here to help! Rob - rob@robshelp.com

If you do not receive a response within 24 hours that can only mean I did not receive your email. In the unlikely event that happens please use the Help Response System.
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